Travis Uptegrove

US Navy 1997-2008

Married with 4 boys, Travis spent 11 years in the US Navy as an Electrician’s Mate.  He served onboard the USS Harry S Truman where he deployed for two Mediterranean deployments, including Operation Iraqi Freedom.  His last 4 years of enlistment were spent as an instructor at Nuclear Field A School, where he taught Electronic Fundamentals to new Electrician Mates and Electronic Technicians.

He and his family moved to Chattanooga in 2008, where he was employed by TVA at Watts Bar Nuclear plant.  In 2014, he transferred to Technical Training.  In 2016, he founded Element 26 Men’s Ministry with a passion to help men be better husbands, fathers and succeed at life.

“This passion to help others succeed, along with my experience as a veteran, is why I am excited to be part of Project Gallantly Forward, where we have the opportunity to help veterans build a community of support and provide awareness to the public of veteran needs.”